Being human in this human experience
East Wenatchee
Classes will be on the second Saturday of each month from 10:00a to 2:00p Starting in January. These quarters are progressive and one leads into the other. For the Ultimate Human Experience and discount with offerings see details below. If you have any questions please email Cherise.
human self-healing
January 8 - February 12 - March 12
This is all about putting your mask on first. With the ability to heal ourselves, we can then better adapt to external environments. What you will find in this first quarter are methods that will not only heal but allow you to move freely through your human experience. In this class, we will be accessing our own healing energy, protection, meditation, breathwork, raising frequency (mood), knowing your energy centers, Wheel of balance with rituals, acknowledging the heart and brain connection allowing you to better understand your internal environment and more
Mindful Communication and human investigation
April 9 - May 14 - June 11
So many times we find ourselves disconnected from this human experience and those around us. Communication is key to understanding other humans. This is not just verbal communication but energetically as well. When we are better able to catch the vibe of others it allows us to not only better communicate but also understand. The second quarter is all the deeper levels I learned through coaching and hypnotherapy when investigating other humans. What you will find is understanding human personalities, creating better boundaries, protection, intuitive listening, communication, and more. This is an interactive class so be prepared to not only do the work but get the work done.
Energy healing for other humans
July 9 - August 13 - September 10
One thing I learned when striving to understand other humans is how they work. Mainly their energy physically, mentally, and emotionally. How do we do this? Tap into their energy and help them heal. This allows us to not only understand other humans but connect with offerings of love and light. This quarter is all about healing others and what you will learn is tapping into your healing powers, a better understanding of the energy centers, and the connection to other systems, emotional, physical, and mental healing. You do not need to be a be Reiki attuned to heal with energy. This class will also offer you the time to not only experience healing but to use your own energy to help another heal. You have all you need, we just need to access your knowing and internal wisdom.
The soul’s journey into and the human Experience
October 8 - November 12 - December 10
Why are we here? Answer…. we are here to have a human experience. This will be about exploring from a soul level, Past/ parallel life, in-between lives, and the soul journey. This class will allow you to open your mind and explore what is beyond us. It’s where we as humans find out connection to the experience. Come explore spiritual journeys, past and in-between life’s, what is around us that is not seen, and more. This class is very open-ended and will take you beyond your human experience.
About your guide
Cherise has been exploring these practices for decades. She started putting her knowledge into action 15 years ago educating, exploring, and facilitating healing with intuitive energy work, hypnotherapy, subconscious coaching, meditation, breathwork past/parallel life remembering the soul’s journey, and more. What she brings to you in these workshops is all the good stuff of over 2 decades of research and education of human investigation and healing. She does not claim to be a psychic or have natural gifts that allow her to see, she simply works at being intuitive and has the tools to access all she needs to in her quest of exploring others on their journey. In these workshops, she will bring those tools to you. Sharing is how she is choosing to continue her mission in her human experience